Jobs & careers

Open positions

Are you looking for an exciting new challenge in the field of neurosurgery? Here you will find all current job postings on the Inselspital job portal.

Job portal

Unsolicited applications

We welcome new, motivated employees who thrive in a dynamic environment. Therefore, we are also open to unsolicited applications, which can be directed to the responsible parties:

Prof. Andreas Raabe, MD
Director and Chief Physician

Qualified nursing staff
Tanja Belser
Head of Nursing Neurosurgery

Nursing staff OR, TOA
Patrizia Ledergerber Ruiz,
CO Manager OR Platform

Administrative staff
Katja Zengaffinen
Clinic Manager

Electives or internship

What happens to the patient when they are admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery? What are the first steps and assessments? How is a ruptured aneurysm operated on? And what is important during an awake surgery?

As an intern or elective student, you will get the answers to all these questions. Together with the ward doctor, you will accompany the patients on the ward from admission to discharge. During surgeries, you can observe and learn to work with the microscope, as well as perform first assistances.

We look forward to receiving your application. Please note:

  • For a definitive application, we need your completed dossier including all attachmenents.
  • Registration is possible at the earliest 2 years and at the latest 3 months before the desired starting date.
  • The minimum duration of your internship with us is 1 month.
  • Applications must be submitted using the application form below. Unfortunately, we cannot consider e-mail applications.
  • Your registration is definitive once we have confirmed it. If you have to cancel, please inform us as soon as possible, otherwise you will block the place for another student.
  • Unfortunately, applicants from non-EU/EFTA countries cannot be considered.

Application form

Resident physician position

As an A-clinic, Inselspital can provide specialized neurosurgical training for 4 years. An additional year can be completed as an external year in the neurosurgical/intensive care Intermediate Care (IMC) unit. The remaining year must be mandatorily completed as an external year in another neurosurgical clinic. Currently, there are 15 training positions filled, with 2–4 assistants employed per training year.

Applications can be sent spontaneously to Prof. Andreas Raabe. Each year, 2–4 new positions are filled. Typically, applicants receive a response within a few days regarding whether their application will be pursued or if there is no position available for the desired year due to current planning. If the application is pursued, an interview is conducted initially. Given the high number of applications, a trial day is often arranged 1–2 times per year, providing candidates with the opportunity to get to know our department. Good knowledge of French is essential since about 30% of our patients come from Romandy. A year already completed externally in another neurosurgical department is advantageous but not mandatory.

Master's and doctoral theses

Master's thesis

For students of the Master's program in Human Medicine at the University of Bern, our clinic offers suitable research projects in the field of clinical neurosurgery or experimental neuroscience for master's theses. Available master's thesis projects are advertised directly in the Medical Faculty's database. However, project proposals developed by students themselves are also very welcome.

Doctoral thesis

The preparation of a doctoral thesis (Dr. med. / MD) is possible in our clinic in clinical neurosurgical research. As a large academic neurosurgical center, cutting-edge medicine and the associated research are of high importance to us. Typically, work resulting from a dissertation is intended to be published in a recognized scientific journal.

Prof. Philippe Schucht, MD
Head of Teaching and Research